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First Steps

First Steps

Our first information is that u must be a fair player.When u are a Bser or a other scammer u will be kicked in few secounds.

So we only wanna have fair players in our gang who help us all the time when they are on.Our firsts Steps for you are: small training with 1 of the 2 clanmasters, learn how to make much mony etc . . . . .

We tell u about the Rules too:

-Never scamm Team Partners in clan

-When the clan killed someone share the stuff with other Clan Partners

-When we got a Clan meeting (Pking) we will tell u  where you will meet us.

-Beware: This is a Pk only Clan . It is not for someone who cant kill people in the

  Danger Zone. (e.g. Only Pk Accounts who knows how to Pk).

-We will see at your stats if you are a really Pker.

-Prayer lv 43 COULD be usefull.

-When you are a Strenght Pker we wanna have rune Weapens.

-When you are a Ranger we wanna have Mith or Addy arrows.

-When you are a Mage we wanna have Blast Attacks (Deaths Runes required).

-All in all: We need good Pkers who knows how to kill.

-If u break 1 one these Rules the Guildmasters will say if u get booted then.

(If u broke a very hard Rule we will kick you out of the clan ).

Made by Torag   Hero and Adamrules250.